You are a kid building a fort together with your friends and while you're at it you eat loads of pizza and collect toys!
in Fort you don't all start with the same starting deck. No, you each choose your two best friends (cards that cannot be taken away from you by others) and draft the rest of your starting deck.
On your turn you play one card only. The other cards you can use to strengthen that card, if they are from the right type. You collect toys and pizza in order to build on your fort or put some of your cards in the lookout. Also some cards make you score points if you meet certain requirements.
After your turn, you place the cards (except your best friend cards!) in front of your playerboard for others to grab, place the cards from your hand in your discard pile and take a new friend from either the park deck, the park, or other players friends!
The game ends when someone finished building there fort, if someone reaches 25 points or if the park deck is empty. After this all players get to finish their turn until the starting player.
As you might already have noticed, I am completely addicted to Star Realms 😅. I love the mechanism behind it, deck building. In Fort it also revolves around building a solid deck. But also about so much more!
The components of the game are really nice. All players have their own double layered player board, with nice cutout places for the toys and pizza tokens.
I love the theme!! It really brings up the kid in me, not only because I love it's mechanic, but also because we are kids! With toys/pizzas and forts!
There are a lot of little things I haven't seen in a deckbuilder yet, such as stealing cards from someone else's deck, the cards he/she hasn't played during their turn. It feels new and exciting to play, can't wait to play it again soon! Lots of fun!