In Mille Fiori, players start with a hand of 5 cards and a bunch of diamonds. On a turn, a player chooses one card from their hand and hands the rest of the cards over to the player next to them.
Whoever is the first player gets to play their card first, and classic Knizia, chooses one of two actions to perform. Either moving their ship on the shiptrack, gaining the amount of points shown, or performing the action shown always by placing diamonds on the board and often gaining immediate scoring benefits.
When someone lays their final diamond on the board, the game ends and whoever had the most points, wins the game
👍The game looks very complicated, but it’s actually not. The game is straightforward and works really well. Every turn you are collecting points, which feels really rewarding in itself.
👍The components are attractive, I really like the ships and the translucent diamond pieces
➖ I myself found the game lacking a bit of theme, at times it felt just like a big point collection game (which I can enjoy!)
A copy of this game was provided to me by 999 Games for the purpose of writing this review. My opinion however remains my own.