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Board game review & gameplay of: Apiary

  • 7.5/10
  • 14+
  • 1-4 players
  • 45-90 minutes


In Apiary, each player controls one of twenty unique factions. Your faction starts the game with a hive, a few resources, and worker bees.

A worker-placement, hive-building challenge awaits you: explore planets, gather resources, develop technologies, and create carvings to demonstrate your faction's strengths (measured in victory points) over one year's Flow.

However, the Dearth quickly approaches, and your workers can take only a few actions before they must hibernate! Can you thrive or merely survive?


This is a fun simple (bounce your -) #workerplacementgame in which you try to collect points in various ways. It plays quick, teaches quick, and there are a whole bunch of strategies to try out! 💪

👍 Gameplay is fun and rules are very explainable

👍 The components aee, as usual with Stonemaier Games, very nice (LOVE the bee mini)

👍 I like how you can gather points in more ways than one, gives me that ‘Let’s go again’ feel!

➖Although the theme is cool, it doesn’t really shine in its mechanics imo. Not necessarily bothersome, but just a small thing


A copy of this game was provided to me by Stonemaier Games for the purpose of writing this review. My opinion however remains my own.

Boardgamegeek BGG

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