Railroad Ink is a roll and write game in which each turn one of the players throws the dice and all players get to fill the results on their dry erase player boards, trying to connect roads and railroads. Depending on various conditions players earn a certain amount of points at the end of 7 rounds.
Like with the blue and red edition, points are awarded for the longest (rail)road, how many exits are connected, how many squares are filled at the center and for certain bonuses depending on the colour played (extra dice).
In the Shining yellow (and lush green!) Edition players can also earn points via the goalcards and stations. Goalcards are for everyone to score, the first player gets the most points. Stations are only scored when a station is built inside it.
Besides the new points, there are also some new abilities to be found on the playerboards. By drawing in these squares you get to use an extra die or special die.
Both the shining yellow as the lush green edition also contain 2 mini expansions. I haven't played these yet so I will elaborate bon this later!
I really like the original Railroad Ink. But with the little new additions, I'm really hyped about it! The addition of the goal cards adds some nice tension and I like the small extras you can unlock during the game. I really enjoy playing RR solo, it's a lovely little puzzle, every time again!
A copy of this game was provided to me by White Goblin Games for the purpose of writing this review. My opinion however remains my own.